5 Terrific Tips to Boost Sales at Your Car Wash


Whether you’re perking up your pricing or going promo happy, these tried-and-true methods will attract customers and boost sales for your car wash today.

Launch a promotion

Frequent promotions can bring in regular customers. A car wash membership, for example, is a huge draw. It guarantees that customers will return to your location, and also allows you to mine customer information for future marketing initiatives and promotions. That type of reach with your customer base is gold.

A stamp card is a great way to offer an incentive on a service a customer is going to take advantage of anyways. After so many washes, the customer can earn a free wash. This will keep them coming back.
Prepaid services are a great way to offer customers the option to pay for a certain number of car washes up front for a discount. They’ll like the money savings, and not only will you receive the revenue up front, it will keep the customer coming back.

The Price Is Right

It’s important to stay competitive with other car wash outfits in the area. Survey your location and get a feel for other car washes and their pricing, and set yours accordingly. Remember, price is only part of the equation. If the service isn’t up to task, the most competitive pricing will keep your customers away.

Tell them about it

When a business stays at the forefront of innovation, it sends a signal to its customers that you’re current and relevant. Announcing new products and services as you implement them will let your customers know you are constantly improving. Bought a new piece of equipment that adds value? Updated your systems? Tried a new chemical that offers a cleaner clean? Tell people about it.
Celebrate your services

Busy customers love the idea of one-stop-shops or the convenience of multiple services in one location. There’s a number of initiatives you can consider, from a coffee bar to a small c-store stocked with every day essentials. Even something as simple as the ability to use the coin-op vacuum can be a big draw. It allows customers to feel like they were offered a full experience.

Get out there

Where in the World Wide Web are you? Customers are online, and they often hit the net for information before they make a decision on anything from the best place to grab coffee to where to buy a sofa. In addition to a website, develop a social media presence, and update your online profiles with new information and promotions frequently. It’s also a great way to share tips or launch a contest.
Contact us to find out how MacNeil can help boost your sales today.